Tag Archives : Nokia

Android grows US smartphone market share

Android grows US smartphone market share

ComScore, which is an Internet marketing research company has released a report, which shows key trends in the U.S. mobile phone industry from February to May 2010.  According to the report, 234 million Americans age 13 and older used mobile devices. Device manufacturer Samsung ranked as the top OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) with 22.4 percent of U.S. mobile subscribers, up one percentage [...]
Nokia’s Ansii Vanjokki says Nokia will be back

Nokia’s Ansii Vanjokki says Nokia will be back

Earlier Nokia handsets Ansii Vanjokki, Nokia’s new chief of Mobile Solutions  candidly wrote on Nokia Conversations that Nokia is “under no illusions” that the job to ensure Nokia occupies its premier position in the future is no small task. He has promised that Nokia is on its way to simplify the way it functions and the results would be seen in the months to come. This [...]
iPhone 4’s  reception problem is not unique

iPhone 4’s reception problem is not unique

Nokia might  have had a laugh at Apple expense for iPhone 4’s “death grip” woes, nevertheless, as it was pointed out in the same article Nokia phones are not immune to the issue and various videos and pictures have been circulating supporting the claim, a report from Consumer Report further strengthens the claim. In a study carried out by Consumer Report, it has been pointed [...]
Apple’s iPhone 4 reception issues due to software

Apple’s iPhone 4 reception issues due to software

iPhone Couple of days after the lawsuits started trickling in, Apple has given a press release stating that iPhone 4 reception problem is a software issue, until now Apple had indirectly blamed the user for holding the device in a particular fashion which interfered with the cellular signal.  Apple will be releasing the software fix in few days. The issue according to Apple  is that the device [...]
iPhone 4 reception problem – blame the software or the hardware?

iPhone 4 reception problem – blame the software or the hardware?

iPhone iPhone 4 antenna issues have dominated the news waves and discussions since iPhone 4’s debut last week and Steve Job’s advice  – it’s all your fault – relayed via an email from him and the subsequent outrage and parodies led by Nokia has thrown the spotlight off the real issue, who is to be blamed, the software or the hardware? After reports surfaced showing the grip on [...]
Nokia takes a dig at Apple’s iPhone 4 reception issues

Nokia takes a dig at Apple’s iPhone 4 reception issues

Nokia Nokia has released a tongue-in-cheek ‘How do you hold your Nokia?’ feature clearly taking a dig at Apple for comments made by Steve Jobs about how users experiencing reception problems on their new iPhone 4 devices should avoid taking a grip that blocks the antenna. “The key function on any Nokia device is its ability to make phone calls. After all, that’s why we [...]
Apple’s Patent Infringement Against HTC

Apple’s Patent Infringement Against HTC

Image via Wikipedia After dragging Nokia to court for patent infringement, Apple has sued HTC over their alleged infringement of 20 patents related to the iPhone user interface, architecture and hardware. Steve Jobs who is known for not mincing his words said that HTC is stealing their technology. “We can sit by and watch competitors steal our patented inventions, or we can do something about [...]
Orange to launch MeeGo devices by end of 2010

Orange to launch MeeGo devices by end of 2010

Image via Wikipedia Yesterday, Orange and Intel announced their strategic partnership to develop Orange multimedia services for Intel’s MeeGo platform. MeeGo is a joint venture between Nokia and Intel where both companies decided to develop a new hybrid mobile platform based on Nokia’s Maemo platform and Intel’s Mobilin platform. The announcement from Orange gives a great boost to the future [...]
Skype Now Available on Nokia Symbian Phones

Skype Now Available on Nokia Symbian Phones

Image via Wikipedia Skype is no longer a beta app for Nokia Symbian OS. Yesterday, the free Skype service for Nokia Symbian phones was moved to the Nokia Ovi Store. It is also available for download through the Skype website. The timing of this announcement is very interesting to say the least. Yesterday, Skype had made a huge announcement to shelve its application for Windows and Java based mobile [...]
BBC iPlayer Now Available on Blackberry

BBC iPlayer Now Available on Blackberry

Image by Neil Boothman via Flickr If you own a Blackberry Storm 2 or a Blackberry Bold 2, you can now catch up on all the world news courtesy the new BBC iPlayer. To be honest, I’m surprised at what took RIM and BBC so long to release the iPlayer for Blackberry. To be fair, it’s now the case of ‘Better Late, than never’. The BBC iPlayer offers a fantastic option to Blackberry users to access [...]
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