Microsoft Attacks Google Shopping With

Microsoft launched a new campaign that aims to screw Google, Microsoft calls their new website “Scroogled“, it informs Google users about how Google displays results on their Shopping page.

The website talks about Google’s new initiative for their Shopping section which turns all results into paid ads, instead of actual relevant results. Back in May, Google made the decision to move to a new model where all merchants pay either per-click or per-transaction in order to be included in Google Shopping results.

“In their under-the-radar announcement, Google admits they’ve now built “a purely commercial model” that delivers listings ranked by “bid price.” Google Shopping is nothing more than a list of targeted ads that unsuspecting customers assume are search results. They call these “Product Listing Ads” a “truly great search.”

We say that when you limit choices and rank them by payment, consumers get Scroogled. For an honest search result, try Bing.”

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