Google Integrates Google Drive into Gmail, Allows Sending Attachments Over 10GB in Size

Google integrated its cloud storage service Google Drive into Gmail  on Tuesday to allow users to email much bigger attachments.  Users have the ability to send files up to a massive 10 GB in size over email.

To send from G Drive, Users click on the ‘Insert files using Drive’ button rather than attaching the file itself to the message.  Users will need to migrate to Gmail’s new compose format, which Google launched last month for this feature to work. The feature is rolling out over the next few days.

Phil Sharp, Google’s Product Manager announced on Google Blog”So whether it’s photos from your recent camping trip, video footage from your brother’s wedding, or a presentation to your boss, all your stuff is easy to find and easy to share with Drive and Gmail. To get started, just click on the Drive icon while you’re composing a message. Note that this feature is rolling out over the next few days and is only available with Gmail’s new compose experience, so you’ll need to opt-in if you haven’t already.”

  • jnffarrell1

    Gee I wonder if anyone has a use for 10 Gbit in 10 sec. How could anyone think a photographer might have a file that big. So much for the Google Fiber doubters.

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