Facebook Serving Ads Inside Third Party Websites and External Apps

Facebook adsFacebook on Tuesday began testing new ads, you may see ads on your smartphone apps, the ads have not yet started appearing on the Facebook app itself.

You might also find them inside mobile websites you’ve connected to Facebook. The ads will be directed  to  users based on age, gender, home location and your interests.

“Starting later today, you may start seeing banner and interstitial ads targeted by your Facebook biographical and social data within non-Facebook mobile iOS and Android apps plus mobile websites where you’ve authenticated with Facebook. The targetable data includes your age, gender, location, Likes, friends who’ve used an advertiser’s app and basically any other targeting options in Facebook’s standard ads marketplace.” reported TechCrunch.

Facebook’s new ads operate inside of an ad exchange where advertisers bid on specific demographics without having any access to information about the user and in the process allaying the privacy concerns.

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