new Apple iPod Touch
The new iPod Touch is an iPhone 4, minus the phone and SMS functions – need we say more.it is powered by the the same A4 chip found in iPhone 4. There’s an integrated gyroscope now for more gaming control. The Wi-Fi antenna now supports 802.11n at 2.4GHz.
The two noteworthy improvements are the Retina screen and the dual cameras. The screen is the same found in the iPhone 4: 960×640, 3.5″, as expected. The rear camera does 720p, but only takes pictures at 960×720, the front-facing VGA camera is the same.
The styling is a bit of a cross between the old iPod touch and the new iPhone 4. 8GB, 32GB and 64GB models are priced $229, $299 and $399 respectively.