Apple displays HTML5 ‘standard’

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Apple Inc. on its website has started flaunting the abilities of the next generation of web standards known as HTML 5 which is Apple’s way to snub  Adobe. Apple has been promoting HTML5 as an alternative to Adobe’s Flash, as the two firms battle it over Apple’s refusal to allow Flash to work on its iPhone and iPad.

The “HTML5 Showcase” by Apple features seven different demonstration, each aimed at showing off a specific capability of what new web browsers will be able to accomplish. The demo’s include audio and video playback, typography, image manipulation, virtual-reality panoramas and 360 degree view presentations.

Apple has raised the ire of rival web developers by creating an HTML5 showcase that can only be used in its own Safari browser. While the site clearly focuses on HTML5, just two of the demos make use of that technology, showing off the video and audio tags. The demo for 360 degree photos uses JavaScript, while CSS is used for the gallery, transitions and virtual reality demo. A combination of CSS3 and SVG run the typography sample.

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