Twitter All Set to Launch Ad Model

A recent report from ‘All Things Digital’ suggests that Twitter is all set to launch its much awaited advertising model. To start off, the advertisements will mimic tweets in terms of character length and will be limited to 140 characters.

Twitter has not announced a release date or the pricing options for its ad model but it is widely expected that the micro-blogging site will have the ad model running before the middle of this year.

A Twitter employee has hinted that the new ad model may spell doom for popular twitter desktop clients like TweetMe and TweetDeck. This further strengthens the case for having an ad model for web based access to twitter website. Twitter will work with buyers and ad agencies to seed the program till it becomes self-serving.

There are still plenty of unanswered questions as to how the Twitter Ad Model will work – Whether it will be cost per click? Whether Twitter will be able to refine search results as accurately as Google can? And plenty more.

The Twitterverse is about to change. I’m hoping that it doesn’t end up just as a mere ‘adverse’ because after all, Twitter is one heck of a game changer!

Ruk Cooray is Co-Founder of you can find him on twitter here rambling about something or the other

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