Apple Releases iPhone SDK 3.2 Beta 3 for iPad

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Apple has announced the availability of an updated iPhone SDK 3.2 which would enable developers to write applications for the iPad. The latest update is the 3rd beta version of the SDK.

The release of Beta 3 has been quite dramatic to say the least – First, Apple made the Beta 3 available, then shortly after the release, it decided to pull the release back. As developers were still scratching their heads trying to figure out what’s going on – Apple decided to make the Beta 3 available again.

Some smart developers managed to get their hands on the SDK before it was temporarily pulled off while others had to wait for the Beta 3 to be made available again. So, what’s new in Beta 3 release – The Photo App has a ‘Camera’ tab which is in-line with iPad’s ability to interface with a camera, Simulator can now send photos via email and users can now set specific photos as their home screen and lock screen image.

Apple is betting big on the success of iPad and to be successful, iPad will need a lot of cool apps. Apple’s recent launch of SDK 3.2 Beta 3 is an indication of the company’s strategy to mimic the iPhone App Store success for iPad.

Ruk Cooray is Co-Founder of you can find him on twitter here rambling about something or the other

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