Who wants hives though, really?

Image representing Goowy as depicted in CrunchBase

We had the opportunity of playing around with Kohive, and I have to say personally I’m very disappointed.

I had this application 5 years ago, it was called Goowy. AOL bought them out and they seized to exist. But what Goowy did was try to create a ‘virtual desktop’ full of widgets and such. As far as I know, nobody wants to move their desktop into the browser, they simply want their browser to replace the desktop?

So Kohive you can create several desktop tabs, and on each you can open applications for stickies, photos, blogs etc. Nothing too ground breaking. In fact you can’t even use these applications directly from your ‘virtual desktop’, for example if you’d like to view your sticky notes you’d have to launch the sticky app/widget – shame that things like stickies can’t be dragged onto the desktop.

All in all, the only difference I see between Kohive and Goowy is the fact that with Kohive you can share your desktop with friends/colleagues, making it more social thus I guess making it web2.0?

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