6 Features Twitter iPhone Apps Should Have

Inspired by my article on überBusy, entitled

6 Reasons TwitterFon Is Better than Twitterrific

which attracted the attention of Ged at the Iconfactory, who claims they are to be preparing for a major release, I started to think about what I would like to see in the next iPhone App, outside of the functionality that is already present in TwitterFon.

Difficult question no doubt and technically who knows if they are doable but as a simple users here are my top 6:

1. Twitter what I’m listening to by knowing what the phone is playing.

2. TinyURL to be my domain name TinyURL, i.e. (www.sporking.com/u/hug) – this is not a real link so don’t try following it… yes I mean you clicking noob!

3. IM Client for Twitter, would be awesome to talk in people in real time, or just to know they are still online when you @tweet them.

4. Enable Group Sorting, ability to be able to sort all tweets into 2 or 3 groups. Like you can on TweetDeck, so friends or news can be checked quickly on the fly.

5. Failing Group Sorting it would be nice to block a couple of feeds out of the tweet as some of my feeds don’t interest me when I’m moving about, an example being Job feeds.

6. Bookmark or Email links. I know you can save tweets as favourites but it would be really nice if you could just email a link quickly from inside the app.

Anyone have others to add? Please leave a comment.

  • James A

    grouping not being a standard feature is really holding twitter back for me. I have so many different types of tweets I follow: friends, local strangers, common interests, blogs, some marketing content, famous people I'm curious about…I want to be able to see my close friends quickly without wading through blog and marketing posts….doesnt everyone else? I want to follow everything i might possibly be interested, but have the client allow me to filter what is in my feed to its context…

    surprised this is a feature that is so NOT supported on iphone apps for the most part…

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