Tag Archives : MacRumors

Apple iPhone 4G to be launched at Developer Conference in June ?

Apple iPhone 4G to be launched at Developer Conference in June ?

Image via CrunchBase iPhone 4G launch has been almost confirmed by Apple’s chief Steve Jobs himself, it will be most possibly unveiled at Apple’s annual WWDC (Worldwide Developer Conference) which will take place next month from June 7th to 11th, at the Moscone West Centre in San Francisco. This was revealed through the emails which were personally responded by Steve Jobs to questions sent to [...]
Another iPhone 4G found

Another iPhone 4G found

Image via CrunchBase After the discovery of an iPhone 4G (fourth generation) prototype in a California bar few days ago belonging to an Apple Engineer which ended up with gizmodo.com who proclaimed it the real mcCoy and reviewed the features extensively,  another 4G  iPhone handset that was leaked out was displayed by Vietnamese site – Taoviet. A brand new 16GB iPhone 4G was flaunted in [...]
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